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1st AU Parent's Prayer Call

We had 21 parents on our call today to decide call specifics.

Also had opening & closing prayer.

Thanks to those who were able to join us!

Decisions made today were:

1) We will meet as a large group on the 1st Sunday of each month from 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM EST

2) An agenda for the call will be sent out prior to the call. Can include:


*Sharing Time


*End Time

3) Parent can feel free to text the group to share information that may be of help to others:

*Airfare specials

*Upcoming events at the school

*Info the students may benefit from.


4) Dawn Nelson/Parent - goes to AU regularly. If you need for her to check on your child, or do something for you/your student, feel free to reach out to her (check AU Parent's Contact List - emailed).

5) Jan Pickett/Parent and AU Staff - lives and works on campus. She has offered to invite your child to an upcoming dinner event they are having - share your child's name/info with her and she will reach out to them.

Notes by: Shirlean Seawood


August 11, 2017 - Shawn Allen

I know this is a big group but was just thinking it would be great to have prayer time to lift up our young people in prayer as the school year begins and thruout the year. I have a friend whose son just graduated from Oakwood and she invited me to join a prayer group with her and 2 other women whose children are also at Oakwood when my son Ryan started Andrews and we pray together every Sunday just to lift our kids up while they are in school and even after they graduate. It has been a blessing......I know we all have busy schedules so trying to get together weekly may be to much maybe even quarterly or something like that just a thought.....No matter what I will add this group and our kids to my daily prayer time....

August 28, 2017 - Shawn Allen

I hope all AU students have an awesome day today !!! Have prayed them all up and will continue to keep them and parents in prayer!!!! Have a blessed day and awesome week. Shawn

August 28, 2017 - Dawn Nelson

Yes! I hope they all have a great day today. I like the idea of the prayer group. Perhaps you all have already decided to do this and I am just seeing this? Nice idea, Shawn. Let me know if this idea matures. Dawn

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